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I’ve been advised that I should charge 70 – 80 – 90 dollars or more for my SLOTS SYSTEM. AND TO BE FRANK WITH YOU, I KNOW IT’S WELL WORTH A MUCH HIGHER PRICE THAN I’M ASKING FOR. But I’m not a fool, nor am I greedy. It will make me very happy to know someone like your-self can buy it at a reasonal price. Then to use it and be able to make as much, and possibly much more money than I have. Also I would like you as a customer for all future manuscripts to be written. I know you will become a steady customer after you’ve WON MANY NICE PAYOUTS with my MORGAN METHOD FOR SLOTS system.
I’ve had this MORGAN METHOD for 20 years, and could carry it with me my maker. But why should I take it with me to my maker? I will sell it, make some money, and let you benefit from my experience also. So you can WIN Hundreds or Thousands too. Young or old. No matter what your legal age. Beginner or Pro.
People have asked me why I’m giving it to the public. I would like to point out that I have other interests that make money for me. Therefore, I don’t have to spend all my time playing the slots to make it. Another very good reason is, my wife likes to do other things, and when you’ve been married for 35 years, you will, or do understand.
There will be only a LIMITED NUMBER of MANUSCRIPTS SOLD each year. By limiting the number of MORGAN METHOD FOR SLOTS systems sold, my chances of winning at the slots will not change, and neither will yours. Therefore you and I can play the slots any time in the future to make as much money as we possibly can. Without the fear of odds dropping too low.
Those of you who BUY the “MORGAN METHOD FOR SLOTS”, (and I can’t think of anyone in there right mind who would pass it up) should keep it to them-selves, if at all possible. Why should you? Because if everyone had this system could drop so low, it wouldn’t be worth playing. I know this is a strong statement, but all the same it just happens to be true. And YOU will . . . UNDERSTAND when you get your own copy.
I want to express here the “MORGAN METHOD FOR SLOTS” system has’nt been written to try and KID, FOOL, or DEFRAUD the public. If it was the publications advertising my Ads would’nt let me advertise in them. Nor would I be able to sell this plan by mail or otherwise. What you are reading is true, NOT FICTION! BUT FACTS!
My average winnings have been as much as $100.00 TO $150.00 per day. Just in slots alone, which equals to $400.00 TO $600.00 for a four (4) days of slot play. So there is no reason why you can’t hit the slots for $1000.00 or more in a week every so often. As I’ve already done so myself at times in the past.
At another short stay of three days at the casino. I hit the slots 3 days in a row. After all expences were paid I had over $1500.00 from the slots and other winnings during the three day stay. More about other winnings, later in letter.
MORGAN METHOD IS A NAME YOU WILL REMEMBER FOR GIVING YOU THE SIMPLEST SYSTEM YOU WILL EVER FIND FOR WINNING AT THE SLOTS ANYWHERE. DON’T forget I have done this over and over in the last 20 years. After working it out over an 9 year period for a total of 29 years experience in SLOT MACHINE PLAY. Which makes me some sort of authority on this subject I would think.
A Sample Copy of Typical Wins and Losses
I am truly sorry that I cannot show you a picture here in these results of the face of each slot machine I’ve played (most establishments with slot machines simply won’t allow for cameras). Instead, the next best thing I could provide you with is a sample copy of typical Wins and Losses. All plays here were a single coin (or credit) of: 25 cents.
Here are the typical Wins and Losses . . .
Wild Cherry Cherry Double Bar Double Bar WIN
Double Diamond Bar Double Diamond Bar WIN
Double Diamond Double Diamond Bar Blank LOSS
White Ice White Ice Triple Bar 2X BIG WIN
White Ice 7 7 7 WIN
Triple Diamond 7 Triple Diamond 7 BIG WIN
Triple Diamond Double Bar Double Bar Double Bar WIN
Hot Pepper Double Pepper 7 7 WIN
Hot Pepper Double Bar 7 Bar LOSS
Triple(5X) (5X) (5X) (3X) BIG WIN
Triple(5X) Bar Bar Blank LOSS
Crystal 7 Sevens Double Bar Double Bar Crystal 7 BIG WIN
I’ve heard people say that it is impossible to hit the quarter slots for $1000.00 a week. Their claim is that the machines don’t pay that kind of money. To stop the disbelievers, and doubters, I’ve posted above slot play results from my personal players log book showing their payouts with winning (and losing) results.
Click Here To Get Your Copy Now
To prove the above mentioned please look at the above results on this page (and the prior page). Taken from top to bottom you see: WIN pays $.50, WIN pays $5.00, LOSS (no payout), WIN pays $5.00, WIN pays $2.50 (etc., etc.)
Please remember these payouts were only for a single coin (or credit) – straight across. With Multiple Coins (or credits) your winning payouts will rise quite a lot!
NOW I will make ANOTHER STRONG STATEMENT AGAIN. If it were PHYSICALLY possible for me to be at the machines (7) days a week, using this limited sample ONLY as a projection of actual results, I can STATE POSSITIVELY THAT I WOULD’VE WON, and I STATE this FLATLY. There is only one small area where it couldn’t happen. And that is the three (3) times out of twelve (12). I SAY SMALL, BECAUSE I’VE HIT as many as 19 STRAIGHT PULLS, ONE AFTER THE OTHER. WITHOUT A MISS. SO I could have HIT FOR $1000.00+
In other words my possibility of missing two wins could’ve happened, but I still would’ve won over ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS with my “MORGAN METHOD FOR SLOTS WINS 9 TIMES OUT OF 12”. No one is 100% perfect, but my “MORGAN METHOD” is as near as anyone will ever get.
Ther is nothing 100% fool proof as far as betting on the slots is concerned. But please believe me when I say this “MORGAN METHOD FOR SLOTS” is as near PERFECT as anyone will ever get. I’ve paid for many a very good expensive Vacation from using this SLOTS SYSTEM! And SO CAN YOU!
SLOTS AT THE TRACK: I’ve received inquiries asking me this – Can MY SLOTS SYSTEM be used on SLOTS AT THE TRACK? You BET YOUR BOTTOM DOLLAR IT CAN. This system works on slots at the TRACK as well as at the casino. I’ve been to the track and won just as easily there as at a casino. The basics are the same and will work just as well almost anywhere you find slot machines.
In all fairness to you and me, I’m giving you a POSITIVE GUARANTEE. That you must win many times the cost of my secret SLOTS SYSTEM for any 7 day period, at any casino, track, etc., during the next 60 days, or you can return the “MORGAN METHOD” system for your money back.
(The guarantee above is written is this manner to stop any and all schemers, scalpers, or anyone else who may want to try and exploit this “MORGAN METHOD” system). Which is fully protected with a copyright.
Here are a few words about the author: My name is Frank Morgan. Have a nice home and business, and two great sons, Richard (“Dick”) and Arthur (“Art”) all on their own. A wonderful wife “Susan”. An in house advertising agency, named ART-RICHARD Advertising Associates. Also, a small mail order business that is growing steadily. Crash studies of mail order business brought me to writing this manuscript of my “MORGAN METHOD FOR SLOTS WINS 9 TIMES OUT OF 12”. (A nick-name I invented for lack of another one).
Because only a LIMITED EDITION is going to be PUBLISHED THIS YEAR, SEND for your “MORGAN METHOD” Manuscript book TODAY! DON’T BE LEFT OUT! As soon as the LIMITED PUBLICATION is SOLD, I will have to return you MONEY for this YEAR. YOU WILL NOT be able to PURCHASE another copy UNTIL NEXT YEAR! IF EVER (in the event that we decide not to publish again). SO . . . . ORDER NOW TODAY!
If I have’nt convinced you that “MORGAN METHOD FOR SLOTS” is the best buy on the market, at 50 BUCKS, then there is nothing I can do for you now. If it were phyically possible
or me to stand in front of each and every one of you receiving this letter, I could
easily convince you how important it is to have this info.